Marin County

Behavioral and Mental Health

Behavioral challenges, emotional difficulties, and mental health issues often reveal themselves in childhood and early adulthood. These challenges and issues can impact a young person’s functioning at home, in school, and in community. We view therapy as a partnership between youth, parents, other caregivers, and the clinician. Together, we help young people identify and understand their feelings, learn effective coping skills, and begin to heal from life’s challenges.

TAY Space
TAY Space
TAY Space is a community center for youth ages 16-25 (transitional age youth, or TAY) who struggle with mental and/or emotional disorders...
Community Counseling
Community Counseling
From short term, intensive crisis intervention to longer term case management and family support, Community Counseling clinical services...

Special Education

Sometimes young students and older youth experience social, emotional, and/or behavioral challenges too acute for them to function in traditional schools. They require intensive therapeutic support and an education plan fitted to their specific needs.


Irene M. Hunt School
Irene M. Hunt School
The Irene M. Hunt School (Hunt School) is a nonpublic day school that provides students in grades K through 12 with an individualized...
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